Sunday, October 26, 2008

Adjusting Goal Weight & Fourteen Week Weigh In

Weighed in at 205.2 – still losing – still excited about WW. But I was giving my goal weight of 199 some thought – I believe it’s too high. When I initially set it that weight seemed reasonable for me, but now, at 205, I see how much fat I still have hanging off me! That also has my BMI over 30. Many years ago, when I weighed 185-190, that seemed a pretty healthy weight for me. I am large framed (doctor confirmed), so I think 190 is a better, more realistic goal for me at age 55.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Updated the Progress Pic

(click it to see it BIG)

Thirteen Lucky Weeks!

Another great week – down another two pounds for a total of 37+ pounds since joining WW and 46 pounds since March of this year.

Funny, when at 245 - 250, I thought at my current weight I’d be skinny. Well, comparatively speaking, I am, but I still have a belly and plenty of cushion – so I still have a way to go!

Did a quick picture thing this morning...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ah, Yes – the Blood Work Caveat.

Well, one more list of test results straggled in and one of the numbers was NOT good…

GLUCOSE POST FAST ----- 113 ---- 70-99 MG/DL
My blood glucose is four points above the highest level it should be. It was three points higher, at 116, in July. Kinda not good that it didn’t drop more. So, I need to keep losing weight and he’ll retest in three months. Man, I hope I didn’t cause diabetes by carrying that fat for so long. We’ll see…

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I was retested to see if all my funky, loser-type, fat-induced, off-the-scale figures improved. They sure did!

Twelve Weeks!!

Another THREE pounds! Thirty-five lost. Weight=209.8!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Week Eleven and Sea Gull Century Report

First the weigh in report is another 2.2 pounds down – I weighed 212.8 as of this morning! 32.2 pounds of fat gone!

Now, the Sea Gull. There are not enough superlatives to describe this weekend! First off, it was the 20th Annual Sea Gull and I had bid on the rider number 20 and I won! Very cool. They also gave me a signed print of the picture for this year’s ride – even more very cool. There were over 6000 riders of all ages, shapes, races, and you name it, from all over North America bombarding the small town of Salisbury, Maryland. On Friday night there was a reception with a DJ, barbecued chicken, Nachos, soft pretzels, popcorn, beer, wine and energy drinks – all outside - very, very nice. Ride day was perfect weather-wise. I was up at 4:40 too excited to sleep and raring to go. The ride was beautiful – all day I seemed to peddle effortlessly – one of my best biking memories. When the ride was over there was a party of all parties! Hot dogs, hamburgers, grilled chicken, soda, beer out the wazoo and best of all a live band. Man, what a weekend - 2009 – here I come! I’ll do the picture thing ASAP.