Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bad news and very bad news

Yeah, it's what you think... I fell off the wagon. Like an alcoholic fueled by a full case of good liquor I've been a remorseless eating machine. I've gained some weight but I'm fighting to get the "spirit" back. I did great yesterday until my kids took me to an all you can eat sushi place.

Today I take my life back! I will be healthy! I will make the right choices!


Ron said...

Glad your getting back to where you want to be... on a healthy lifestyle. Keep making those better choices!!!!

Lyn said...

It's really tough to get off the overeating wagon. I'm rooting for ya.

(and in some sort of karmic sign, the word verification for this post is "salad." Take it as you will :)

IdaR said...

The difference between now and when you used to overeat is how aware you are of it. There was probably a time that you gave no thought to overeating or eating less healthy food. Now, you, like many of the rest of us, know exactly when you cross that line. This m akes you much more likely to get back on that wagon. Good luck.

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Unknown said...

I am sorry to hear that you fell off the wagon. The good news, you are aware of it and have decided to make things different. This wagon is a pretty resiliant one if you let it be. I wish you luck and look forward to following your story. I began my journey 9 months ago and it is not an easy road but 160 pounds lighter, I think it has been well worth it!!

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